Vendor Address Section

Vendor Address section definition



Suggested Vendor

Optional. Enter the name of a vendor that is able to fulfill this requisition or search for it from the Vendor lookup searchicon. Selecting a vendor from the table populates other fields in this tab based on the information already on file in KFS for this vendor. Alternately, you may select a contract (see below) and the vendor associated with that contract is automatically populated.

Vendor #

Display-only. Completed automatically when a suggested vendor is selected from the vendor table.

Address 1

Optional. Enter the first line of the address for the suggested vendor. If a vendor has been selected from the vendor table this field is automatically populated. If you want to select a different vendor address than the default, choose one of the addresses entered for this vendor from the Address lookup _searchicon.

Address 2

Optional. Enter the second line of the address for the suggested vendor. If a vendor has been selected from the vendor table this field is automatically populated.


Optional. Enter the suggested vendor's city. If a vendor has been selected from the vendor table this field is automatically populated.


Optional. Enter the name of the person to whom the delivery is to be directed.



Optional. Enter the suggested vendor's state. If a vendor has been selected from the vendor table, this field is automatically populated.


Optional. Enter the province if vendor is located outside of the United States.

Postal Code


Optional. Enter the selected vendor's postal code. If a vendor has been selected from the vendor table, this field is automatically populated.



Optional. Enter the selected vendor's country. If a vendor has been selected from the vendor table, this field is automatically populated.


Vendor Info Section