Initiating a Quote

Follow these steps to initiate a quote.

1.     Click the initiate quote button on the Quote tab.

2.     In the fields displayed for a new quote, specify the quote due date (the system defaults to 10 days after the current date) and the quote type code (options include 'Competitive' and 'Price Confirmation').

3.     Enter any information the vendor needs in the Notes to Vendor field.

4.     Enter the vendor's information in the New Vendor section or select a vendor from the vendor lookup _searchicon.

5.     To add more than one vendor, click Add Vendor.

The system displays another set of fields.

lightbolb-small         Some commodities may have a pre-created list of vendors already entered into the system. For convenience, you may insert this list here. For example, several computer suppliers may be available to bid on a PO. Instead of entering each vendor each time you want to send out a request for quote, you may simply load the saved list. To do so, click the  button. The system displays this data entry screen:

Enter a list name or contract manager and search. The system displays search results below the fields.

To select a list, click return value. The system displays the PO and automatically enters the vendors into the Quote tab.

6.     After all vendors have been entered into the Quote section, print and mail or fax the PO to the vendors. To do so, in the section for each vendor, select 'Print' or 'Fax' from the Transmit list and click the transmit button.

The system displays a PDF that you may print for mailing or faxing.


Selecting a Vendor's Quote