Account Responsibility Tab

The fields on this tab define the individuals responsible for the account as well as continuation account information and Sufficient Funds parameters.


Account Responsibility tab definition



Fiscal Officer Principle Name

Required. Enter the name of the fiscal officer, or search for it from the lookup searchicon. The individual is responsible for the fiscal management of the account.

Account Supervisor Principle Name

Required. Enter the name of the account supervisor, or search for it from the lookup searchicon. The supervisor oversees the management of the account at a higher-level than the fiscal officer, but rarely receives any direct requests for action from the KFS. The account supervisor cannot be the same as the fiscal officer or the account manager.

Account Manager Principle Name

Required. Enter the name of the account manager, or search for it from the lookup searchicon. The account manager has the responsibility for ensuring that funds are spent and managed according to the goals, objectives and mission of the organization, to ensure that the funds are being spent according to a budgeted plan and that the allocation of expenditures is appropriate to the function identified for the account.

Continuation Chart of Accounts Code

Optional unless the account has an expiration date, in which case it is required. Enter the chart code for the continuation account, or search for it from the Chart lookup searchicon. The field is required if the account has an expiration date.

    If accounts cannot cross Charts (KFS-SYS ACCOUNTS_CAN_CROSS_CHARTS_IND parameter is set to 'N'), this value is read-only.

Continuation Account Number

Optional unless the account has an expiration date, in which case it is required. Enter the account that accepts transactions which are being processed on the account after the account expiration date, or search for it from the Account lookup searchicon.

Income Stream Chart of Accounts Code

Optional. Select the Chart of Accounts for the income stream account from the Chart list, or search for it from the Chart lookup searchicon. Parameters control when the income stream chart of accounts code and income stream account number are required.

    If accounts cannot cross Charts (KFS-SYS ACCOUNTS_CAN_CROSS_CHARTS_IND parameter is set to 'N'), this value is read-only.

Income Stream Account Number

Optional. Enter the account which has been designated to receive any offset entries from the account in order to balance responsibility center activity from the Account list or search for it from the lookup searchicon.

Budget Record Level Code

Required. From the Budget Record Level list, select the code that indicates if the account is recording its budget by:
A = Account
C = Consolidation
O = Object Code
L = Level
S = Sub-Account
M = Mixed
N = No budget

pencil-small    An account in the General Fund group cannot have a budget record level code of 'Mixed.'

Account Sufficient Funds Code

Required. Select the code that indicates what level the account is going to be checked for sufficient funds in the transaction processing environment from the Account Sufficient Funds list. The choices are:
A = Account
C = Consolidation
L = Level
O = Object Code
H = Cash
N = No Checking

Transaction Processing Sufficient Funds Check

Optional. Select the check box if sufficient funds check should be performed on the account. Clear the check box if not.

External Encumbrance Sufficient Funds Indicator

Optional. Select the check box if external encumbrances are included in the account's calculation of sufficient funds. Clear the check box if they are not.

exclaim    This functionality does not currently exist and selecting the check boxes does not control the inclusion or exclusion of the accounts from sufficient funds calculation.

Internal Encumbrance Sufficient Funds Indicator

Optional. Select the check box if internal encumbrances are included in the account's calculation of sufficient funds. Clear the check box if they are not.

exclaim    This functionality does not currently exist and selecting the check boxes does not control the inclusion or exclusion of the accounts from sufficient funds calculation.

Pre-Encumbrance Sufficient Funds Indicator

Optional. Select the check box if pre-encumbrances are included in the account's calculation of sufficient funds. Clear the check box if they are not.

exclaim    This functionality does not currently exist and selecting the check boxes does not control the inclusion or exclusion of the accounts from sufficient funds calculation.

Object Presence Control Indicator

Optional. Select the check box to indicate that the account uses object presence control. Clear the check box if it does not. Object presence control requires that an object code be budgeted for the account before it can be used on an actual or encumbrance transaction.


Contracts and Grants Tab