The KFS Travel, Entertainment and Moving (TEM) module provides electronic document processes for travel authorizations and reimbursements, relocation and moving expense reimbursements and reimbursement of entertainment expenses. This module is integrated with Pre-Disbursement Processing (PDP) and Accounts Receivable (AR). When a Travel Advance is requested via a Travel Authorization, an Invoice is generated in Accounts Receivable and the payment is extracted into PDP. When the Travel Reimbursement is processed, an AR credit memo is generated to clear the advance and the amount due the traveler is extracted to PDP. If the advance exceeds the actual expense, the traveler will need to reimburse the institution and the payment is processed in the AR system with a Cash Control so that the payment can be applied to the outstanding invoice.
TEM consists of four major documents and collectively they are called the TEM documents. Individually, they are the Travel Authorization (TA), Travel Reimbursement (TR), Entertainment Reimbursement (ENT) and Relocation and Moving Reimbursement (RELO). The TA can be used to encumber funds and request an advance. It can also be amended (TAA) and closed (TAC). The TR, ENT and RELO are strictly reimbursement documents. If the TR is associated with a TA, encumbrances will be liquidated appropriately. Each document is covered in detail later in the guide.
In order to work efficiently in
the KFS screens, you need to understand the basics of the user interface. For information and instructions on
logging on and off, navigating, understanding the components of screens, and
performing basic operations in the screens, see Overview.
Accessing Travel, Entertainment and Moving
Standard Transaction Documents
Administrative Transaction Documents