• This section provides a brief introduction to the batch processes that allows your institution to import transactions from corporate credit card banks and travel agencies, import federal per diem rates, create new year encumbrances before the new year is created, extract profiles for travel agencies, send taxable ramification notices for past due advances and extract payments into PDP.
• TEM supports two methods of importing expenses – By TRP (Automatic Reconciliation) and By TRV (Manual Reconciliation). The type of reconciliation is identified in the file. Both methods use the same jobs for processing.
• The Travel Agency Audit and Correction document can be used to correct errors discovered in the travel agency files. Credit Card file errors will require that new credit card file be processed.
TEM Batch Processes
Job Name |
Description |
agencyDataImportJob |
This job processes files received from travel agencies. If you are doing automatic reconciliation (By TRP method) then this job must be run after the creditCardImportJob. When using the By TRP method, the job looks for a matching credit card transaction (invoice number, amount and service fee number) and validates the TEM document number and account number. If the TEM document is fully approved and the TEM document number and account number matches, the expense automatically hangs on the TEM document and GLPEs are created. When using the manual reconciliation process (By TRV), the job makes transactions available for manual reconciliation if the employee ID associated with the expense matches the traveler’s employee ID. |
creditCardDataImportJob |
When using the By TRP method (automatic reconciliation), this job must be run before the agencyDataImportJob. It prepares credit card transactions for matching with travel agency files. When using the By TRV method (manual reconciliation), the job makes transactions available for reconciling if the credit card number associated with the expense matches a credit card number on the traveler or arranger profile. If using a Corp Card, payment to the bank will be extracted after the traveler reconciles an expense and the TEM document is fully approved. |
perDiemLoadJob |
This job updates the Per Diem table with CONUS and OCONUS per diem rates by setting the “effective to” date based on dates in the file and in conjunction with parameter DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE. The job will process both txt and xml files. Txt files have been thoroughly tested, xml files can be used at your own risk. Files can be downloaded from http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemFiles.cfm. For more information see Per Diem Batch Processing
taxableRamificationNotification |
This job creates Taxable Ramification documents and sends notices to travelers when Travel Advances are past due as specified in parameter NOTIFICATION_DAYS. Fiscal Officers can receive FYIs if desired by setting parameter SEND_FYI_TO_FISCAL_OFFICER_IND |
temProfileExportJob |
This job exports TEM Profiles that can be used by Travel Agency websites to verify travelers. |
temReleaseHeldEncumbranceJob |
This job releases held encumbrances that are created for future year trips before the new fiscal year is created. Once the new fiscal year is created, this job can be run to post those encumbrances to the new year. Parameter HOLD_NEW_FISCAL_YEAR_ENCUMBRANCES_INDcontrols whether or not encumbrances are held. |
travelImportedExpenseNotificationJob |
This job notifies travelers that they either have expenses to reconcile (By TRV) or that expenses have been reconciled (By TRP). |
travelPreDisbursementProcessorExtractJob |
This job extracts fully approved payments into PDP for processing. Once the payments have been extracted into PDP, they are processed like all extracted payments. CORP card payments can also be set up to extract into PDP by setting the Payment Indicator flag in the Credit Card or Agency table for CORP card type Credit Cards. A valid vendor and bank code will also be required. |