Standard Transaction Documents

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On the Main Menu tab, the Transactions submenu provides options that allow users to view and maintain records for travel, entertainment, and relocation expenses.

TEM documents available from the Main Menu, Transactions submenu

Document Type



Entertainment Reimbursement (ENT)

Allows you to request reimbursements or group expenses together for a particular entertainment event.

Moving and Relocation Reimbursement (RELO)

Allows you to request reimbursement for moving and relocation expenses and group expenses for a moving and relocation event together.

Travel Arranger (TTA)

Used to request authorization to make travel arrangements for another person or to resign from being an arranger for someone.

Travel Authorization (TA)

Used to request travel authorization and travel advances.

Travel Reimbursement (TR)

Used to claim travel reimbursement based on the Travel Authorization (TA) document or initiate reimbursement without travel authorization.


Common Tabs in TEM Transactional documents

Performing Common Activities

Entertainment Reimbursement

Moving and Relocation Reimbursement

Travel Arranger

Travel Authorization

Travel Authorization Amendment

Travel Authorization Close

Travel Reimbursement

Taxable Ramification