Custom Document Searches

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From Custom Document Searches submenu on the Main Menu tab, users have access to four special search screens related to Travel, Entertainment and Moving expenses and reimbursements.

Searches available from the Main Menu, Custom Document Searches submenu

Custom Search


Corporate Card Application

Allows you to search for Corporate Card Applications.

CTS Card Application

Allows you to search for CTS Card Applications.

Entertainment Reimbursement

Allows you to search for Entertainment Reimbursements that you are authorized to access.

Moving and Relocation Reimbursement

Allows you to search for Moving and Relocation Reimbursement that you are authorized to access.

Travel Authorization

Allows you to search for Travel Authorizations that you are authorized to access.

Travel Reimbursement

Allows you to search for Travel Reimbursements that you are authorized to access.


Corporate Card Application

CTS Card Application

Entertainment Reimbursement

Moving and Relocation

Travel Authorization

Travel Reimbursement