Sensitive Data Button

pencil-small     This button is displayed to users in the Purchasing Processor role only.

Selecting the sensitive data button at the bottom of the screen causes the system to display the Assign Sensitive Data to Purchase Order tab.

This tab allows you to add sensitive data entries.

Assign Sensitive Data to Purchase Order tab definition




Reason for Assignment

Required. Enter the reason for the sensitive data assignment.

Reason for Last Update

Display-only. The reason for assignment from the previous update.

Last Updated by Person

Display-only. The ID of the person who last updated the sensitive data entry.

Last Updated on Date

Display-only. The date of the last sensitive data update.



Display-only. Defaults to the vendor on the PO.

Items Information (multiple fields)

Display-only. Displays all the line items on the PO.

Sensitive Data

Required. Select a sensitive data entry from the list.


Clicking the add button creates a 'current' entry in the section below.

In the Current Sensitive Data Entries Assigned section, clicking delete removes the entry from this section.


Adding Sensitive Data to a PO