Payment Info section definition
Title |
Description |
Type of Recurring Payment |
Optional. Select the proper recurring payment schedule from the list. Examples include 'Fixed Schedule, Fixed Amount,' 'Fixed Schedule, Variable Amount' and 'Variable Schedule, Variable Amount'. |
Begin/End Date |
Required if Type of Recurring
Payment has been selected. Enter dates indicating the time
period during which the order is active, or search for the dates from the
calendar |
Recurring Payment Amount |
Optional. If a recurring payment type of 'fixed schedule' or 'fixed amount' has been selected, complete the remaining fields in this section. |
Amount |
Optional. Enter the dollar amount of the recurring payment. |
First Payment Date |
Optional. Enter the date on which the first recurring
payment should be made or search for the date from the calendar |
Frequency |
Optional. Select a number to indicate how often recurring payments should be made. |
Initial & Final Payment Amount |
Optional. Enter the amount of the initial and final payments if those amounts differ from the amount in the Amount field above. |
Initial & Final Payment Date |
Optional. Enter the dates on which the initial and
final payments are to be made if those dates differ from the date in the
First Payment
Date field. Or search for the dates from the calendar |