Open Miscellaneous Advances Section

The Open Miscellaneous Advances section displays a running list of open advances that you have entered into the New Miscellaneous Advance section and allows you to record the payments towards the open cash advances. The list is updated when you click the apply transaction button.

Open Miscellaneous Advances section




Item Identifier

Display-only. The system-generated identifier for the transaction you have posted to the New Miscellaneous Advance section in the Money In area.

Item Amount

Display-only. The amount of transaction you have posted to the New Miscellaneous Advance section in the Money In area.

Item Reduced Amount

Display-only. The amount of money paid back towards the advances in the current transaction.

Item Remaining Amount

Display-only. The amount of money due to be paid back for the item.

Current Payment

Optional. Enter the amount

Item Open Date

Display-only. The date the advances were first opened for this item.

Item Description

Optional. Defaults to the description entered in the New Miscellaneous Advances section in the Money In area. Override the description as necessary.


How the Open Advances are Tracked