1. Traveler creates a Travel Authorization and it’s approved to Final.
2. Traveler contacts the Travel Agency and provides the TEM Doc #, the departmental account number and uses the Agency link to make reservations.
3. The Agency charges the CTS Credit Card (Ghost card associated with an institutional clearing account).
4. The Credit Card company invoices the institution for charges made by the Agency (for example, orbitz, hotels.com).
5. Accounts Payable pays the Agency via their clearing account.
6. The Agency sends the institution a cxml file to the institution with the trip and traveler details.
For the file layout,
see Travel Agency Data Upload
7. The Credit Card company sends a cxml file to the institution with the trip details.
For the file layout,
see Credit Card Data Upload
8. The creditCardDataImportJob and agencyDataImportJob and are run in this order. These jobs match the agency records to the credit card records.
o TEM Doc # and account and sub-account must match.
o Airline Record:
§ tripInvoiceNumber must be unique and match Credit Card ticketNumber.
§ tripExpenseAmount must match Credit Card transactionAmount.
§ airTicketNumber must be unique and match Credit Card ticketNumber
§ airServiceFeeNumber must be unique and match Credit Card
o OR Lodging Record:
§ tripInvoiceNumber must be unique and match Credit Card ticketNumber
§ tripExpenseAmount must be unique and match Credit Card transactionAmount
§ lodgingItineraryNumber must be unique and match Credit Card itineraryNumber
o OR Car Rental Record:
§ tripInvoiceNumber must be unique and match Credit Card ticketNumber
§ tripExpenseAmount must be unique and match Credit Card transactionAmount
§ rentalCarItineraryNumber must be unique and match Credit Card itineraryNumber
9. If the match is successful:
o Expenses are imported into the TEM Document and display in the Imported Expenses section of the Actual Expenses or Expenses tab.
o General Ledger Pending Entries are generated to transfer the expense from the institutional clearing account to the departmental account.
o An email will be sent to the payee or traveler notifying them that an expense has been reconciled to their TEM Document.
10. Agency Data errors can be corrected using the Travel Agency Audit and Correction document. Credit Card errors will need to be corrected by the Credit Card company and retransmitted.