Fees Tab

This tab contains information that is used by the system to assess fees against KEMIDs. These fees are calculated and charged to KEMIDs through an overnight batch process. Use of this tab is not required for any KEMID record. If you choose to use the tab, you may associate one or more fee methods with the KEMID.

Fees tab definition



Fee Method Sequence Number

Display only. The system-assigned sequence number for this record.

Fee Method

Required when adding a record to associate this KEMID with a fee method; otherwise, display only. The code used by your institution to identify a particular set of parameters for calculating fees to be assessed against KEMIDs. Enter an existing fee method code or use the lookup _searchicon.gif to find it.

Fee Method Description

Display only. Your institution's description for this fee method.

Charge Fee to KEMID

The KEMID to which fees will be charged. Defaults to the KEMID for the record, but you may enter another existing KEMID or use the lookup _searchicon.gif to find it.

Charge Fee to KEMID Short Title

Display only. The KEMID's abbreviated title for internal reporting use.

Percent Of Fee Charged To Income

Required. The percent of the fee to be calculated on counts or values related to the income of the KEMID activity and/or holdings. Defaults to '1.00' (100%). You may change this value. The value entered must be a fixed point number, with three total digits including two digits to the right of the decimal point.

Percent Of Fee Charged to Principal

Defaults to 0.00 (0%). If only a portion of the fees are to be assessed against the income funds, the percent of the fee to be calculated on counts or values related to the principal of the KEMID activity and/or holdings. You may change this value, but it cannot exceed 0.00 if the Restriction Code value is 'NA' (Not Applicable) for the KEMID type code. The value entered must be a fixed point number, with three total digits including two digits to the right of the decimal point.

Accrue Fees

Indicates whether or not to accrue the fees charged to the account (Y/N). Defaults to 'No.'

Total Accrued Fees

The total of all fees calculated by this method that have accrued to date. Defaults to zero, is system generated, and may be changed in edit mode only.

exclaim.gif    When the fee end date is reached, if there is a balance in the total accrued fees, the system adds that value to the total waived fees this fiscal year and changes the Total Accrued Fees value to zero.

Waive Fees

Indicates whether or not to waive the fees charged to the KEMID (Y/N). Defaults to 'No.'

Total Waived Fees This Fiscal Year

Display only. The total of the waived fees that could have been charged to the account for the current fiscal year. Defaults to zero, is system generated, and cannot be changed.

exclaim.gif    When the fee end date is reached, if there is a balance in the total accrued fees, the system adds that value to the total waived fees this fiscal year and changes the Total Accrued Fees value to zero.

Total Waived Fees

Display only. The total of the waived fees calculated by this method that could have been charged to the account since the fee start date. Defaults to zero, is system generated, and cannot be changed.

Fee Start Date

Required. The first date on which this fee is to be assessed. Defaults to the next processing date. May be changed only when you are adding a new record. Enter the date or select it from the calendar cal. If edited, this value must be valid based on the fee frequency.

Fee End Date

The last date on which this fee is to be assessed. Enter the date or select it from the calendar cal. When the fee end date is reached, if there is a balance in the total accrued fees, the system adds that value to the total waived fees this fiscal year and changes the Total Accrued Fees value to zero.


Report Groups Tab