Disbursement Vouchers 

When you select Disbursement Vouchers from the Main Menu, the system displays the Document Lookup screen. Although you may use this screen to search for any type of e-doc, it initially displays fields that are especially helpful in searching for disbursement vouchers.

Disbursement Vouchers Document Lookup screen





To search for disbursement vouchers, use the default entry of DV. To search for another type of e-doc, enter the appropriate type code or use the lookup  to find it.

pencil-small.gif    If you change the Type entry and move the cursor to another field, the system displays fields appropriate to the type of e-doc you have specified.



To search for disbursement vouchers initiated by a particular user, enter the person's username (principal name) or use the lookup  to find it.

Document/Notification ID

To search for a disbursement voucher based on its unique document number, enter the number.

Date Created From

To search for disbursement vouchers created during a particular period of time, enter the first date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar icon _cal to select the date. The default is today's date.

Date Created To

To search for disbursement vouchers created during a particular period of time, enter the last date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar icon _cal to select the date.

Document Description

To search for disbursement vouchers containing a particular description, enter the description.

Organization Document Number

To search for disbursement vouchers containing a particular organization document number, enter the number.

pencil-small.gif    This number is typically used to identify a related record in another campus system (for example, a customer relationship management system, an order processing system, etc.).  When used in this way, the entry ties a KFS cash control e-doc to a record in the non-Kuali application.

Payee ID

To search for disbursement vouchers based on the ID code for the particular person or business to which the disbursement is paid, enter the appropriate payee ID.

Payee Name

To search for disbursement vouchers based on the name of the particular person or business to which the disbursement is paid, enter the appropriate name.

Payment Reason Code


To search for disbursement vouchers based on a particular payment reason, select the appropriate payment reason code from the list or use the lookup  to find it.

PDP Extraction Date

To search for disbursement vouchers based on the date they were extracted for payment processing by PDP, enter the appropriate date.

PDP Paid Date

To search for disbursement vouchers based on the date they were disbursed by PDP, enter the appropriate date.

PDP Cancelation Date

To search for disbursement vouchers based on the date they were canceled within PDP, enter the appropriate date.

Chart Code


To search for disbursement vouchers based on the chart of the account affected, select the appropriate chart code from the list or use the lookup  to find it.

Account Number

To search for disbursement vouchers based on the account affected, enter the account number or use the lookup  to find it.

Organization Code


To search for disbursement vouchers based on the organization affected, enter the organization code or use the lookup  to find it.

Ledger Document Type


Total Amount

To search for disbursement vouchers based on the total amount of the disbursement voucher, enter the amount.

Search Result Type

To view the disbursement vouchers in their entirety that match your search criteria, click Document Specific Data. To retrieve only the routing status, date created, and route log for these disbursement vouchers, click Workflow Data.

Name this search (optional)

To save this set of search criteria for later use, enter a name for it.


go-arrow-red.gif   In many fields you may use special characters to search on a partial entry. For information about using special characters to search, see Data Entry Tips.

go-arrow-red.gif   For information about using features and options that are common to all types of custom document searches and working with the search results, see Performing Custom Document Searches.

After you select a disbursement voucher from the search results, the system displays it in view-only mode.

go-arrow-red.gif   For information about the fields on a disbursement voucher, see Document Layout in the Disbursement Voucher section.


Lookup and Maintenance E-Docs