Business Rules

      In addition to the other required data (such as description, delivery information, and additional details), the requisition must have at least one item on the item tab in order to be submitted to Workflow for routing.

      If the chart/org on the requisition does not have a content routing rule set up, the requisition routes back to the initiator of the requisition if there are no accounts entered. Otherwise, accounting lines are not required.

      Account distributions must exist for all item lines on the document before it may leave the content routing stage.

      The following rules apply for allowable accounts to be charged on a REQS. These are the same rules used for the PO. The specific codes for these rules may be specified via parameters.

Only expense (EE, ES or EX object types) or asset (AS object type) object codes are allowed. Asset object codes must be in the INV or OASS object level.

Object codes in the consolidations of Compensation (CMPN), Financial Aid (SCHL), Reserves (RSRX) and Assessments Expenditures (ASEX) are not allowed.

Object codes in the levels of Depreciation (DEPR), Indirect Cost Expense (ICOE), Valuations and Adjustments (VADJ) and Taxes (TAX) are not allowed.

Object codes with a sub-type code for Transfers (TN) are allowed.

