Authorizations Tab

This tab contains information about the role(s) that must authorize transactions affecting this KEMID. If your institution requires that authorization by role is required, each KEMID record must have at least one authorization record associated with it. You may associate multiple roles with the KEMID in this tab.

Authorizations tab definition



Role Code

Required. The ID code for a role that must authorize transactions for this KEMID. Enter a valid role code or use the lookup _searchicon.gif to find it.

Role Code

Display only. The description or name for the specified role code.

Role Principal Name

Required. The user name of the individual who is responsible for authorizations.

Role Termination Date

The date (if any) the role is due to terminate for the purpose of authorizations. Enter a date or select it from the calendar _cal.


Indicates whether this record is viewable. Defaults to 'Yes' but may be changed. When changed to 'No', this record is not displayed on the KEMID Detail Inquiry screen.

pencil-small    When this screen is in edit mode, all records (both active and inactive) are displayed and you can re-activate records if needed.


Payout Instructions Tab