This tab works
in conjunction with the Accounting Lines, Create
Capital Assets or Modify Capital Assets tabs.
Changes you make in one tab sometimes require followup in another tab.
• If
you make changes to the lines in the Accounting Lines tab, you
must click on the changed
line to update the information transferred to the Accounting Lines for
Capitalization tab. Additionally, if asset
information for the changed line has already been processed in the Create Capital
Assets or Modify Capital Assets tab, you must click
the clear or delete button in the
Action box on the Create Capital Assets or
Modify Capital Assets tab and re-enter the information.
• If you change the distribution method you must delete any asset distribution information in the Create Capital Asset or Modify Capital Asset tab.
• If
you need to change the asset from create to modify, you delete the information
in the Create or Modify tab and start over
with or
• If you click the document’s error correction button (available only after the document is final), the system reverses asset amounts, removes the serial number and tag number, and keeps other asset information in the Create Capital Assets and/or Modify Capital Assets tab.
• If you click the document’s recall button (available only after the document is submitted, before any other action is taken on it), the document is reopened. If any asset locks have been created, they are removed.
• The Procurement Card e-doc can create multiple accounting lines with the same Chart, Account, Sub-Account, Object and Sub-Object. Before submitting these lines for processing, you must either assign the identical lines together in the Accounting Lines for Capitalization tab or distinguish them from each other by adding/changing one of the accounting line fields to make them unique.