Workflow Preferences

The system allows you to change the automatic refresh rate, action list page size, email notification, and row colors that indicate the status of the document. You may also limit the list of documents in the action list by setting filters for delegators or workflow status. To make any of these changes, click the preferences button in the action list.

The system displays the Workflow Preferences screen.

Workflow Preferences field definition



Automatic Refresh Rate

Enter a number in whole minutes.

Action List Page Size

Enter a number of rows to display per page in the action list.

Email Notification

Select one of the desired email frequencies from the list: 'None,' 'Daily,' 'Weekly' or 'Immediate'.

Receive Primary Delegate Emails

Check this box to receive an email when a document arrives in your action list for which you are the primary delegate.

Receive Secondary Delegate Emails

Check this box to receive an email when a document arrives in your secondary delegate action list.

Delegator Filter

In the list, select 'Secondary Delegators on Action List' or 'Secondary Delegators only on Filter Page' to specify when to show the secondary delegation entries in your action list.

Fields Displayed in Action List

Check each box to include these items on the action list.

Document Route Status Colors for Action List Entries

Click one of the color options for each document route status.

To save your preferences, click buttonsmall_save.

To return to the default preferences, click buttonsmall_reset.

exclaim     Color changes do not take place until the next time you log onto the system. The row colors change the next time you log on.


Action List Filter