Shop Catalogs


pencil-small     Implementation Note: In KFS 3.x, the B2B identity was inadvertently hard-coded in a few locations. Before using Shop Catalogs at your institution, you will need to update these values so they correspond to the identity you actually use. Specifically, you must update four locations in the following three files:

B2BPurchaseOrderSciquestServiceImpl.getCxml(): Find the line that looks like: cxml.append(" <Identity>KualiDemo</Identity>\n").  Replace with: cxml.append(" <Identity>Your B2BIdentityGoesHere</Identity>\n") Two locations in this file need to be updated. Both are nearly identical to the sample above. Simply replace the 'KualiDemo' with your identity. Find the property line titled: b2b.test.punch.out.url. The identity is hard-coded into the URL used there. As indicated above, simply replace the 'KualiDemo' with your identity.

Shop Catalogs is the KFS functionality that integrates the HigherMarkets™ eProcurement solution developed by SciQuest. It provides purchasers a one-stop, Web-based 'shopping cart' for ordering a full range of goods and services. The Shop Catalogs functionality makes it easy to shop with preferred and diverse suppliers, integrates with current (and future) financial systems, like the Automated Procurement and Payment system (APPS), routes orders to approvers and business service centers for payment, and allows for flexibility in payment methods, such as a procurement card or purchase order.

Shop Catalogs is an eProcurement tool that directs procurement to select suppliers and helps departments identify preferred suppliers. The tool offers workflow benefits as well as item detail electronic receipts. Users can shop from catalogs, create requisitions, electronically submit those requisitions for approval, and acknowledge receipt of goods-all from the desktop.

Key functionality for Shop Catalogs includes:

      Ability to punch out to a B2B integrator, shop, and return shopping cart data into a Purchasing/AP requisition document via a CXML file. The Requisition document is populated with vendor and item information and the user completes additional information such as delivery and accounting information.


Process Overview