Securities Submenu Group 

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The Securities submenu group contains e-docs that allow you to maintain basic attributes used in your institution's Security records.

Endowments submenu, Securities group




Automated Cash Investment Model

Allows you to create different sets of criteria for the system's periodic review of any uninvested cash and/or negative cash balance for each KEMID that uses this model.

Cash Sweep Model

Provides criteria for periodically sweeping uninvested cash into short-term investment vehicles.

Class Code

Identifies different types of securities. Types often include alternative investment, bond, cash equivalents, liability, pooled investment, stock, etc.

Endowment Transaction Code

Identifies user-defined codes that the system uses when processing transaction activity that updates KEM records.

Pooled Fund Control

Identifies pooled funds for internal investment by your institution's endowments.

Pooled Fund Value

Allows the storage of historical unit values and distribution amounts for your institution's pooled funds.

Registration Code

Identifies the custodial institutions holding your institution's securities.

Reporting Group

Defines how securities are grouped and ordered in the pre-defined and user-defined reports of securities and holdings.

Subclass Code

Further identifies the type of security that is represented by a record.


Automated Cash Investment Model

Document Layout

Cash Sweep Model

Class Code

Endowment Transaction Code

Pooled Fund Control

Pooled Fund Value

Registration Code

Reporting Group

Subclass Code