Group Travel Tab

This tab is found in both the Travel Authorization and Travel Reimbursement documents. It identifies members of a group of people who are traveling together for athletic team travel, conferences, student activities, and so forth. 

You may enter or import data for any number of travelers in this tab. The system uses the number of rows in the tab to calculate the limit for meals for the group as established in the Expense Type Object Code table. The rest of the information about the tab is for information purposes only.

Group Travel tab definition



Traveler Type Code

Required. The type of traveler (employee, student, customer or other). Select the type of traveler from the list.

Group Traveler Id

Using the lookup Description: _searchicon.gif opens Group Traveler Lookup which searches both KIM and AR Customer. The Traveler Type Code will be updated based on the selected traveler.


Required. The name of the traveler. If the Traveler is selected from the Group Traveler ID, this field will be populated. If the Traveler Type Code = Other, the name can be entered and will not be validated.

After entering data for a member of the group, click Description: tinybutton-add1. Repeat for each member of the group.


Importing Traveler Information