The Customer Invoice document allows you to prepare, save, and submit an invoice to a customer from your organization.
The Customer Invoice (INV) document is created to submit a Customer Invoice to a customer from a department’s assigned organization customer source code for goods or services provided. The system provides two ways of creating a customer Invoice:
� One is automated through the electronic uploading process from an external system identified under Customer Invoice Search by Batch Run ID #. If the Customer Invoice/Credit Memo passes all matching and validation criteria with the Customer, the system generates the INV document automatically. The system sends a Customer Invoice and Credit Memo (CICM) Batch Summary via email designated by parameter. Includes:
1. Files processed for CICM batch run with timestamp and duration along with Batch Run # and file name.
2. Global Errors encountered with specific line # associated with file received for department to identify by line.
3. Batch Feed Status Report with Total Records Processed.
4. Total Errors Occurred with Batch ID # and subsequent error message(s) received and why no customer invoice was created.
5. Total Invoices Created and Grand Total Dollar Amount of customer invoices created.
� The other approach is to complete the Customer Invoice document manually using the screen described in this section or copy an existing Customer Invoice.
If customer invoices are processed centrally by your institution, initiation of a Customer Invoice document is likely restricted to users having the Accounts Receivable User role.
Customer invoices are allowed to error correct any open invoices in current fiscal year. Upon selecting button a new customer invoice is generated and automatically credits the invoice total amount and states the original customer invoice document number it is reversing. Only editable fields are in the Document Overview and Notes and Attachments tab as shown below:
A system generated note is added to this invoice error-correction for original Customer Invoice document indicating the customer invoice is corrected and references the initiator as admin, kfs, document type and document number.
Any specific customer invoices may be printed as pdf one by one by AR assigned roles by selecting the button.