Credit Memo Info Tab

The Credit Memo Info tab displays information pertinent to the current credit memo. In the examples below, the first credit memo is against a payment request and the second is against a vendor.

Credit Memo Info tab definition




Credit Memo # from Vendor

Display-only. The credit memo number as entered on the Credit Memo Initiation tab.

Credit Memo Date

Display-only. The credit memo date as entered on the Credit Memo Initiation tab.

Vendor Credit Memo Amount

Display-only. The amount of the credit as entered on the Credit Memo Initiation tab. This field is displayed only on an in-process Vendor Credit Memo document. After the document has been submitted, the field no longer carries forward.

PO End Date

Display-only. The end date automatically populated from PO information.

PO Notes

Display-only. 'Yes' if the PO contains notes.

Extract Date

Display-only. The date the credit record was extracted to the Pre-Disbursement Processor.

Bank Code

Required. The bank code will be displayed only if the Bank_Code_Document_Types includes 'CM' and Enable_Bank_Specification_Ind=‘Y.' The default bank is determined by the Default_Bank_By_Document_Type parameter. You may override this value by entering another bank code or selecting it from the Bank lookup searchicon.

Credit Memo Type


Display-only. Indicates whether this credit memo references a payment request, PO, or vendor.

Vendor #

Display-only. Automatically populated based on the entry in the Credit Memo Initiation tab that references either the payment request, the purchase order or the vendor number. The vendor number is followed by a hyphen and the division number.

Purchase Order #

Display-only. The referenced purchase order number or the purchase order number associated with the referenced payment request.

Payment Request #

Display-only. If processing a credit against a payment request, this field is populated based on the entry in the Credit Memo Initiation tab.

AP Processed Date

Display-only. The date the vendor credit memo was submitted by Accounts Payable.


Process Items Tab