Business Rules

     For information about business rules that apply to all endowment transaction e-docs, see Standard Business Rules.

In addition to the standard business rules for endowment transactions, the following business rules apply to Corporate Reorganization transactions:

      When you initiate a Corporate Reorganization e-doc, the system displays 'Non-Cash' in the Transaction Sub-Type field. You cannot change this value.

      You may enter multiple transaction lines in this e-doc.

These rules are specific to the From transaction lines:

      You must specify a valid security in the From section of the Security Details tab.

      You must specify a valid and active registration code in the From section of the Security Details tab.

These rules are specific to the To transaction lines:

      You must specify a valid security in the To section of the Security Details tab, and it cannot be the same security as that entered in the From section.

      You must specify a valid and active registration code in the To section of the Security Details tab.

