Batch Processing Sequence

Endowment processing is a general term for a sequence of 'batch' processes that are run on a daily basis (with exceptions–see the list below for two processes that are run only at month end). Each day's batch includes all endowment transactions that have been approved during the day. The processes in the sequence include:

      Import Gift Transactions

      Post E-Docs

      Generate Ticklers

      Update Market Value in Holding History Records

      Create Pooled Fund Distribution Transactions

      Create Accrual Transactions

      Calculate Daily Accruals

      Create Recurring Cash Transfer Transactions

      Create Fee Transactions

      Create Automated Cash Investment Transactions

      Roll Frequency Codes

      Create Cash Sweep Transactions

      Create Pooled Fund Control Transactions

      Update Available Cash Records

      Update Market Value in Holding History Records

      Update Current Tax Lot Balance Records

      Update Corpus Records

      Update History Cash (run at month-end only)

      Update Holding History (run at month-end only)

      KEM to KFS General Ledger Interface

      Roll Process Date

exclaim     On any given date, it is possible that no activity will be generated by one or more of the batch processes listed above. Nevertheless, because so many of these processes are date- or frequency-driven, your institution must run all of the processes (except as noted) with each processing cycle.

exclaim     Additionally, your institution must run all processes every day of the week—including weekends and holidays—in order to accurately accrue, calculate, and update the income earned by the securities held by your institution's KEMIDs.

go-arrow-red.gif   Transactions are processed based on the parameters that your institution has set up. For more information about the parameters, see Parameter

As shown below, some processes must be run sequentially while others may be run in parallel with each other.

As indicated in the diagram above, a few batch processes must be developed and provided by your institution. Such batch processes are not covered in this section. Instead, the following subsections provide an overview of each process delivered with the standard KFS.


Post E-Docs Process