Asset Detail Information tab definitions
Description | |
Required. Enter the chart code for the owner account that is responsible for the asset or search for this code from the Chart lookup . When the parameter Accounts_Can_Cross_Charts is set to 'No', the system derives the chart code from the account number entered, and an entry in this field is not required. | |
Organization Owner Account Number |
Required. Enter the account number for the owner that is responsible for the asset or search for this number from the Account lookup . |
Organization Owner Organization Code |
Display-only. Identifies the organization responsible for the asset; set by the organization owner account number. |
Owner |
Optional. Used when the title is vested in other universities or agencies. Enter the name of the owner of the asset or search for it from the Agency lookup . |
Asset Status Code |
Required. Select a code from the list to indicate the current status of the asset or search for this code from the Asset Status Code lookup . |
Asset Condition |
Required. Select the condition of the asset from the list (for example, 'Excellent,' 'Good,' 'Fair,' and 'Poor') or search for it from the Asset Condition lookup . |
Asset Description |
Required. Enter a detailed description of this asset. |
Asset Type Code |
Required. Enter the code used to classify types of assets grouped by categories or search for this code from the Asset Type lookup . The asset type groups equipment for reporting purposes. For capital assets, this code also assigns the useful life for depreciation purposes. |
Vendor Name |
Required for capital assets; optional for non-capital assets. Enter the name of the company or person who sold the asset to the institution and to whom the first payment was made. |
Manufacturer |
Required for capital assets; optional for non-capital assets. Enter the name of the person or company that manufactured the asset. |
Model Number |
Optional. Enter the number assigned by the manufacturer to this model of asset. |
Organization Text |
Optional. A free-form text area for use by the organization. |
Last Inventory Date |
Display-only. The date of the last inventory performed by the University or the date an asset was last physically verified, moved, relocated, inventoried, or tagged. |
Create Date |
Required. Enter the date the asset was added to the asset database or select this date from the calendar . The date is initially set to the current date. |
In-Service Date |
Display-only. This date is system-assigned. |
Depreciation Date |
Display-only. The date on which asset depreciation begins for capital equipment. The system computes the depreciation date based on the in-service date and the asset deprecation convention. |