Ad Hoc Routing

Ad hoc routing allows a document initiator or approver to add additional individuals or groups to the routing of a specific document. In most cases, ad hoc approvers inserted into the routing interrupt the regular routing process. For example, when a user initiates a financial document and ad hoc routes it to another user for approval, the document routes to the ad hoc approver before it routes to the fiscal officer.

pencil-small     Ad hoc acknowledge and FYI routing do not interrupt the regular routing process. Financial processing documents with these types of ad hoc requests still pending post to the General Ledger as soon as all other approvals are obtained. The system does not put them on hold while waiting for the acknowledgement to take place or for the FYI to be cleared.

The following steps describe how to add an ad hoc recipient in the Ad Hoc Recipients tab.

1.     Select an action requested from the Action Requested list. To route the document to an individual, select this option in the Person Requests section. To send the request to a group, select this option in the Ad Hoc Group Requests section.

2.     To ad hoc route the document to another person, type the principal name in the Person box in the Ad Hoc Recipients section or use the lookup icon searchicon to search for the appropriate username.

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3.     To ad hoc route the document to a group, in the Namespace Code field in the Ad Hoc Group Requests section, enter the group name or use the Lookup icon searchicon to search for the appropriate group name.

4.     Click tinybutton-add1. The system verifies that the person ID or group namespace code and name that you have entered for routing is valid.

5.     Click buttonsmall_submit.

After you complete the Ad Hoc Recipient section and submit the document, the system changes the Node(s) value to 'Adhoc' and changes the Status value to 'ENROUTE'.

The Pending Action Requests tab shows the requested action and the user ID.

When a document is enroute, you may send ad hoc requests without taking a workflow action on the document. To do this follow the steps listed above but use the  button instead of Submit.

exclaim     When you review the Route Log immediately after submitting a document, you may not see the Pending Action Requests tab. This is because the KFS has not yet received the routing information from Workflow. In this case, wait for a few seconds and click the Refresh button at the top of the Route Log to refresh the screen. You may need to repeat this process a few times until the information appears in the Pending Action Requests tab.


Viewing Route Nodes