Additional Charges section definition
Title |
Description |
Item Type |
Display-only. The type of item to be charged. |
Original Amount from PO |
Display-only. The total extended amount of the additional charges for the item type on this PO. |
Outstanding Encumbered Amount |
Display-only. The outstanding encumbrance amount of the additional charges for the item type on this PO. |
Extended Cost |
Optional. Enter the extended amount charged on this invoice for this additional charge item. |
Tax Amount |
Calculated automatically when tax service is called. This field may be edited by the AP Processor.
Total Amount |
The calculated sum of the additional item extended cost plus the item tax amount, if applicable. |
Description |
Required for miscellaneous charges. A description is optional for freight charges, shipping and handling, and minimum order charges.
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the charges are to be posted, click .