This tab identifies the security to which the transaction applies and provides pertinent information about it.
Security Details tab definition
Description | |
Security ID |
Required. Indicates the security affected by this transaction. The security record referenced must be valid and active in the system and must have a liability class code. Only one security record may be used per e-doc. Enter the ID or use the lookup |
Class Code |
Display only. Describes the class (group) to which this security belongs. |
Security Transaction Code |
Display only. The security transaction code assigned to this security. The system obtains this value from the class code for the security. |
Tax Lot Indicator |
Indicates whether affected security units (holdings) are maintained in separate accounting (tax) lots. This indicator determines how gains and losses on the sale of the security are calculated. 'Yes' = Security units are maintained in separate tax lots. 'No' = Security units are consolidated into one holding. |
Registration Code |
Required. Indicates where (for example, at a bank, at a broker, or somewhere in the institution) a security is held in custody for the institution. The registration code specified must be valid and active in the system. Enter the appropriate code or use the lookup |