• Users assigned to the role of KFS-CAM Processor may update assets that report up to the chart and organization code assigned on the KIM User document. These users have access to assets within the hierarchy of their organization.
• Users assigned to the role of KFS-CAM Manager may update assets where the physical campus code on the organization matches the campus code assigned on the KIM Person document. These users are responsible for managing inventory for a campus.
• Users assigned to the KFS-SYS roles may update any asset.
• KFS-SYS Asset Processor is the person responsible for creating assets. This is a central administration role so this user may edit all assets.
• KFS-SYS Asset Manager is the person responsible for managing the system maintenance reference tables and is responsible for the CAM documents. This is a central administration role, so this user may edit all assets.
• KFS-SYS Plant Fund Accountant is the person responsible for reconciliation and management of non-movable assets. This is a central administration role, so this user may edit all assets. Only this role may retire assets using the retirement reason of 'razed.
• Update access for editing assets
o A KFS-CAM Processor does not see the following fields: Replacement Amount, Estimated Selling Price, Old Tag Number, Asset Condition, Land County Name, Land Acreage, Parcel Number.
o Certain fields are editable based on the Kuali Identify Management (KIM) role assigned to the user. Only the KFS-SYS Asset Manager and KFS-SYS Plant Fund Accountant can edit these fields: Organization Owner Chart of Accounts Code, Organization Owner Account Number, In-Service date, and Object Sub Type Code.