Lookup Criteria

Payment History Report field definitions



Payment Application Document Number

The unique document number for the Payment Application (APP) document.

Payment Date From

To search for payments created during a particular period of time, enter the first date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

Payment Date To

To search for payments created during a particular period of time, enter the last date in the desired range of dates. You may also use the calendar tool to select the date.

Customer Number

Enter the customer number for which you wish to view payments or use the lookup _searchicon  to find it.

Payment Amount

Enter the exact payment amount to search for or use greater than, equal to or less than ranges.

Invoice Document Number

The unique document number for the Customer Invoice document the Payment Application was applied to.

Invoice Amount

Enter the exact invoice amount to search for or use greater than, equal to or less than ranges.

Reversed Indicator

This field has no functionality and will be removed in a future release.

Applied Indicator

Select whether to view payments that have been applied, not applied, or both.

Customer Source Code

Select the customer source code related to the report from the list.

Customer External ID

Enter the customer external ID to search for payments.

Click Search button to display the search results on the screen.

Click Generate Print File Description: buttonsmall_generateprintfile button to generate a pdf file for the Payment History Report.

