The org pull up button takes you to the Organization Selection screen. On this screen you may pull up a subset of documents associated with the selected organization sub-tree(s) of the selected point-of-view organization to the point-of-view level.
To pull up documents, follow these steps:
1. Click
in the Budget Construction
Selection screen.
The system displays the Organization Selection screen.
2. In the
Organization Sub-Tree section, use the down
arrow to expand
the organization sub-tree.
3. Use the Selected list to select individual or global organization(s).
4. Choose from among these options:
• : Operates on documents directly
reporting to the selected organization.
• : Operates on documents not directly
reporting to the selected organization (all others in the sub-tree below the
selected organization).
• : Operates on documents in both
previously defined sets.
• : Pulls up all of the documents at
once and displays a message
that the pull up was successful:
• Pull Up Candidates tab: Allows you to pull up documents individually. To view documents associated with your selection:
Click in the Pull Up
Candidates tab.
Click next to the document you want to pull up.
Click .