Edit Remit To Information Tab


Edit Remit To Information tab definition



Remit To

Required. The remit-to name. This is the name accounts receivable customers are instructed to make their checks payable to when receiving a printed customer invoice or billing statement.


Required. The name or title for the organization's remit-to address.

Line 1 Street Address

Required. The first line of the remit to street address.

Line 2 Street Address

Optional. The second line of the remit to street address.

City Name

Required. The familiar name of the city in the remit to address.



Required. The state abbreviation of the remit to address. Existing state abbreviations may be retrieved from the lookup searchicon.

Postal Code


Required. The postal code of the remit to address. Existing postal codes may be retrieved from the lookup searchicon.


AR System Administration Functions