Before retiring an asset, you must display detail about it so you can confirm that you are retiring the proper asset. To display detail for a single asset, proceed as follows:
1. Enter an asset number (or search for an asset number using the Asset Number lookup ) and click the add button. Display detail for other assets by repeating this process for each asset you want to retire.
Alternately, display detail for many assets simultaneously by using the Look Up/Add Multiple Asset Lines lookup : The search results include a column of Select? checkboxes. After checking the desired assets, click the button at the bottom of the Asset Lookup form.
The system displays detail for each asset you have specified.
Asset Detail Information tab definition
Description | |
Required. Enter the chart code for the owner account that is responsible for the asset or search for this code from the Chart lookup . When the parameter Accounts_Can_Cross_Charts is set to 'No', the system derives the chart code from the account number entered, and an entry in this field is not required. | |
Organization Owner Account Number |
Required. Enter the account number for the owner that is responsible for the asset or search for this number from the Account lookup . |
Organization Owner Organization Code |
Display-only. Identifies the organization responsible for the asset; set by the organization owner account number. |
Owner |
Optional. Used when the title is vested in other universities or agencies. Enter the name of the owner or search for it from the Agency lookup . |
Asset Status Code |
Required. Select a code from the list to indicate the current status of the asset or search for this code from the Asset Status Code lookup . The asset status must be one of 'A-active and identifiable,' 'C-active and non-accessible,' 'S-surplus' or 'U-university constructed.' When the document status is final the asset status will be changed to 'R-retired.' |
Asset Condition |
Required. Select the condition of the asset from the list (for example, 'Excellent,' 'Good,' 'Fair,' and 'Poor') or search for it from the Asset Condition lookup . |
Asset Description |
Required. A free-form field used to describe the asset. Enter a detailed description of this asset. |
Asset Type Code |
Required. Enter the code used to classify types of assets grouped by categories or search for this code from the Asset Type lookup . The asset type groups equipment for reporting purposes. For capital assets, this code also assigns the useful life for depreciation purposes. |
Vendor Name |
Required for capital assets; optional for non-capital assets. Enter the name of the company or person who sold the asset to the institution and to whom the first payment was made. |
Manufacturer |
Required for capital assets; optional for non-capital assets. Enter the name of the person or company that manufactured the asset. |
Model Number |
Optional. Enter the number assigned by the manufacturer to this model of asset. |
Organization Text |
Optional. Enter free-form text that provides additional information about the asset. |
Last Inventory Date |
Display-only. The date of the last inventory performed by the university or the date an asset was last physically verified, moved, relocated, inventoried, or tagged. |
Create Date |
Required. Enter the date the asset was added to the asset database or select this date from the calendar. The date is initially set to the current date. |
In-Service Date |
Display-only. This date is system assigned. |
Depreciation Date |
Display-only. The date on which asset depreciation begins for capital equipment. The system computes the depreciation date based on the in-service date and the asset deprecation convention. |
To remove any asset from this group before submitting the document for processing, click the button displayed at the bottom of its detail record.