Correction File Upload Tab

The Correction File Upload tab allows users to locate and load the file they want to use. This tab is activated when Upload/Manual Edit or Upload/Using Criteria is selected.

1.     Click browse button.

2.     Navigate to the file through the Choose file dialog window by selecting the file and clicking button-open.

The system displays the file pathname in the Corrections File Upload section:

3.     Click tinybutton-loaddoc.

The content of the correction file you have selected is displayed in the Search Results tab. If errors are detected, the line numbers containing the errors and the reasons are listed.

Note that certain errors in a file's data can prevent it from being uploaded. Non-numeric values in any of the following fields will result in an error message and your file not being uploaded:

      Post Date

      Reversal Date

      Transaction Date

      Sequence Number

      Ledger Amount

      Fiscal Year

      Pay Period End Date

      Payroll End Date Fiscal Year

      Transaction Total Hours

      Employee Record


Edit Options and Actions Tab