Business Rules

When you open a KEMID e-doc, only the following tabs are expanded (all others are closed):

      KEMID (Main/top tab)


      Source of Funds

      Benefitting Organization

      General Ledger Accounts


      Payout Instructions

The following business rules pertain to the KEMID tab:

      All of the following values in fields of the KEMID tab must be valid values in the system:



Income CAE Code

Principal CAE Code

Responsible Department

Transaction Restriction

Cash Sweep Model

Income Automatic Investment Model

Closed Indicator

      Only one record may exist for each KEMID.

      When you initiate a KEMID e-doc, the open date defaults to the current date and cannot be changed.

      When you initiate a KEMID e-doc, the established date defaults to the current date, but you may change it when creating a record.

      When you enter a KEMID type in a new KEMID record, the system updates the following fields with the appropriate default values from the Type record, but you may change them:

Cash Sweep Model

Income Automatic Investment Model

Principal Automatic Investment Model

      When you initiate a KEMID e-doc, the transaction restriction code defaults to the associated restriction code in your institution's PEND (Pending Completion) Agreement Status Code record.

      The Dormant and Closed Indicator fields default to 'No' (that is, the boxes are unchecked) when a KEMID is created. You may change them by editing the e-doc.

      When the Closed Indicator value is changed to 'Yes,' you must enter a valid close code.

      You cannot mark a record as closed if the KEMID has open current cash records (that is, records with values greater or less than zero).

      You cannot mark a record as closed if this KEMID has holding tax lot records with values greater or less than zero in the Holding Units, Holding Cost, and/or Accrued Income Due field.

The following business rules apply to the Agreement tab:

      At least one active Agreement record must exist for each KEMID.

      When you add an Agreement record, the system automatically updates the Agreement Number field with the next sequential record number. You cannot change this entry.

      When you add an Agreement record, the Agreement Status Code field defaults to 'PEND' (Pending Completion). You may change this entry.

      When you add an Agreement record, the Agreement Status Date field defaults to the current date. You may change this entry.

      When you add an Agreement record, the Active indicator defaults to 'Yes' (that is, the box is checked) but may be changed.

      Agreement records cannot be copied. When you copy a KEMID, you must add at least one Agreement record to the new KEMID.

      Both the Agreement Type Code and Agreement Status Code values must exist.

      If you change the Agreement Status Code value, the default transaction restriction code will be displayed if the Use Transaction Restriction from Agreement box is set to 'Yes' (that is, if the box is checked).

      If a KEMID has multiple active agreements, only one may have the Use Transaction Restriction from Agreement box set to 'Yes.' It is not necessary, however, to have a box set to 'Yes.'

      If you change the Agreement Status Code value, the Agreement Status Date value is automatically updated to reflect the current date.

      When the Transaction Restriction Code field is to be updated by the system, you may edit the value in the KEMID record only if the Use Transaction Restriction from Agreement box is set to 'No' (that is, if the box is unchecked).

      When the Active indicator is changed to 'No,' the record is no longer viewable via the Detail Inquiry screen. When the e-doc is in edit mode, all records (both active and inactive) are displayed and you may re-activate records if needed.

      The default value for the Use Transaction Restriction from Agreement box is 'No.'

The following business rules apply to the Source of Funds tab:

      At least one active Source of Funds record must exist for each KEMID.

      When you add a Source of Funds record, the system automatically updates the Fund Source Number field with the next sequential record number. You cannot change this entry.

      When you add a Source of Funds record, the Active indicator defaults to 'Yes' (that is, the box is checked). You may change this entry.

      The fund source code you specify must exist in the system.

      The Opened From KEMID value you specify must exist in the system.

      When the Active indicator is changed to 'No' (that is, the box is unchecked), the record is no longer viewable via the Detail Inquiry screen. When the e-doc is in edit mode, all records (both active and inactive) are displayed and you may re-activate records if needed.

      Fund source records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must add at least one Source of Funds record to the new KEMID.

The following business rules apply to the Benefitting Organization tab:

      At least one active Benefitting Organization record must exist for each KEMID.

      For each Benefitting Organization record you add, the system automatically updates the Benefitting Organization Sequence Number field with the next sequential record number. You cannot change this entry

      For each Benefitting Organization record you add, the Benefit Percent field defaults to '1' (100%). You may change this entry.

      For each Benefitting Organization record you add, the Active indicator defaults to 'Yes' (that is, the box is checked). You may change this entry.

      Both the benefitting chart and the benefitting organization must exist in the system.

      When the Active field is changed to 'No' (that is, the box is unchecked), the record is no longer viewable via the Detail Inquiry screen. In the edit function, all records (both active and inactive) are displayed and you may re-activate records if needed.

      Benefitting Organization records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must add at least one Benefitting Organization record to the new KEMID.

      The total of benefit percent for all records where the Active indicator is equal to 'Yes' must be 1(100%).

      The system automatically enters the current date as the start date when you initiate the record. You cannot change this date.

      The system automatically enters the current date as the last change date when you edit the record. You cannot change this date.

The following business rules apply to the General Ledger Accounts tab:

      One and only one active General Ledger income account must exist for each KEMID.

      One and only one active General Ledger principal account must exist for each KEMID where the principal restriction code for the KEMID is not 'NA' (Not Applicable).

      Both the chart code specified and the account number specified must exist in your institution's chart of accounts.

      When the Active indicator is changed to 'No' (that is, the box is unchecked), the record is no longer viewable via the Detail Inquiry screen. When the e-doc is in edit mode, all records (both active and inactive) are displayed and you can re-activate records if needed.

      General Ledger accounts cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate a General Ledger account with the new KEMID.

These rules pertain to the Authorizations tab:

      If your institution has set the parameter ROLE_REQUIRED_IND to 'Yes,' at least one active Authorizations record must be associated with each KEMID record. If this value is set to 'No,' Authorizations records are not required.

      Each role code you specify must exist in your system's KFS-ENDOW namespace.

      Each role principal name you specify must exist in the system. After you enter a name, the system displays this user's preferred name in addition to the principal name.

      When an Authorizations record is marked as inactive, the system enters the current date into the Role Termination Date field.

      Authorizations records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate Authorizations record(s) with the new KEMID as needed.

      When the Active field is changed to 'No' (that is, when the box is unchecked), the record is no longer viewable via the Detail Inquiry screen. In the edit function, all records (both active and inactive) are displayed and you may re-activate records if needed.

These rules pertain to the Payout Instructions tab:

      At least one Payout Instructions record must exist for each KEMID.

      For each set of payout instructions you add, the system automatically updates the Pay Income to KEMID field with the KEMID. This field cannot be changed.

      For each set of payout instructions you add, the system automatically updates the Payout Sequence Number field with the next sequential record number. This field cannot be changed.

      The KEMID specified in the Pay Income to KEMID field must exist in the system.

      For each set of payout instructions you add, the Percent of Income to Pay to KEMID value defaults to '1' (100%).

      The total percent of income of all active instruction records must equal '1' (100%).

      After the end date has passed, you can no longer view or edit the record.

      For each set of payout instructions you add, the system inserts the current date into the Start Date field. You may change the date before submitting the document.

      The value in the Start Date field cannot be changed after this date has been reached.

      Payout Instruction records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate at least one Payout Instruction record with the new KEMID.

These rules pertain to the Use Criteria tab:

      Entering use criteria information is optional. Use Criteria records are not required for a KEMID.

      For each set of use criteria you add, the system automatically updates the Use Criteria Sequence Number field with the next sequential record number. You cannot change this value.

      Use Criteria records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate appropriate Use Criteria records with the new KEMID as needed.

      The use criteria code you specify must exist in the system.

      For each set of use criteria you add, the Active indicator defaults to 'Yes' (that is, the box is checked). You may change this entry.

      When the Active indicator is changed to 'No' (that is, the box is unchecked), the record is no longer viewable via the Detail Inquiry screen. When the e-doc is in edit mode, all records (both active and inactive) are displayed and you may re-activate records if needed.

These rules pertain to the Special Instructions tab:

      Entering special instructions is optional. Special Instructions records are not required for a KEMID.

      For each set of use criteria you add, the system automatically updates the Instructions Sequence Number field with the next sequential record number. You cannot change this value.

      Special Instructions records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate appropriate Special Instructions records with the new KEMID as needed.

      The agreement special instructions code you specify must exist in the system.

      For each set of use criteria you add, the system inserts the current date into the Instruction Start Date field. You may change this value.

      You can no longer view or change a record after the instruction end date has passed.

These rules pertain to the Fees tab:

      Entering fees is optional. Fees records are not required for a KEMID.

      For each fee you add, the system automatically updates the Fee Method Sequence Number field with the next sequential record number. You cannot change this value.

      Fee records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate appropriate Fee records with the new KEMID as needed.

      When you enter a KEMID type in a new KEMID record, the system looks at the Type Code value and creates the appropriate Fee records automatically.

      If you update the Type Code record that contains the default type fee methods, there is no change in the Fees tab. To update the Fee records in this tab, you must go to the Fees tab to add a new fee or terminate the existing fee.

      The fee method specified must exist in the system.

      For each fee you add, the default value for the Charge Fee to KEMID field will be the current KEMID.

      For each fee you add, the default value for Percent Of Fee Charged To Income is set at '1' (100%). You may change this value.

      The total of Percent Of Fee Charged To Income plus Percent Of Fee Charged To Principal cannot exceed '1' (100%).

      Percent Of Fee Charged To Principal defaults to zero (0.00%) for all new records. The Percent Of Fee Charged To Principal cannot exceed zero if the Restriction Code value is 'NA' (Not Applicable) for the KEMID type code.

      The Accrue Fees and Waive Fees values default to 'No' (that is, they are unchecked).

      The Total Waived Fees This Fiscal Year and Total Waived Fees values default to zero, are system generated, and cannot be changed.

      The Total Accrued Fees value default to zeros. The value is updated by the system. You may change it in edit mode only.

      The system automatically enters the fee start date. You may change this value only when you create a new record.

      The default value for the Fee Start Date field is the fee next processing date for the fee method. When edited, this date must be valid based on the fee frequency.

      If the fee end date has not yet arrived, the fee record is available for viewing but you cannot edit it.

      When the fee end date is reached, if there is a balance in the total accrued fees, the system adds that value to the total waived fees this fiscal year and changes the Total Accrued Fees value to zero.

The following business rules apply to the Report Groups tab:

      Entering report groups is optional.

      Report Group records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate appropriate Report Group records with the new KEMID as needed.

      The combine group code specified must exist in the system.

      For each report group you add, the system inserts the current date into the Date Added field.

      After the specified date terminated is reached, the record is no longer available for viewing or editing.

The following business rules apply to the Donor Statements tab:

      Entering donor statement information is optional. Donor Statement records are not required for a KEMID.

      Donor Statement records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate appropriate Donor Statement records with the new KEMID as needed.

      Values for the following fields must already exist in the system in order to be used in the record: Donor ID, Donor Statement Code, and Combine With Donor ID.

      The value in the Combine With Donor ID field cannot be the same as the value in Donor ID.

      For each Donor Statement record you add, the system inserts the current date in the Effective Date field.

      If you enter a termination date, you must enter a termination reason.

      After the termination date is reached, the record is available for viewing but cannot be changed.

The following business rules apply to the Endowment Corpus Values tab:

      Records may be viewed but may not be created or edited by users.

      Records are generated by the system as part of a nightly batch process.

      Corpus Values records are associated with permanently endowed KEMIDs only.

These rules apply to the Combine Donor Statements tab:

      Entering combine donor statement information is optional. This information is not required for a KEMID.

      For each Combine Donor Statement record you add, the system automatically updates the Combine Donor Sequence Number field with the next sequential record number. You cannot change this value.

      Combine Donor Statement records cannot be copied. When you copy an existing KEMID record, you must associate appropriate Combine Donor Statement records with the new KEMID as needed.

      The value in the Combine with KEMID field must exist in the system.

      For each Combine Donor Statement record you add, the system inserts the current date into the Combine Date field.

      When the terminate combine date has been reached, the record is no longer available for viewing or editing.

