For information about the layout of the data import template for this e-doc, see Standard
Business Rules.
In addition to the standard business rules for endowment transactions, the following business rules apply to cash increase transactions:
• When you initiate an e-doc, the system sets the Transaction Sub Type value to 'Cash.' You cannot change this value.
• When you access the document, the Security Details tab is closed because input of a security ID is optional.
• If you specify a security, only one security may be entered and it will apply to all transaction lines. Any security information you enter is for reference only; it is not used for system processing.
• The KEMID you specify on each transaction line must be valid and must not be closed.
• The Etran code you specify must be valid for use with the KEMID.
• If you add a transaction for which the Etran code affects corpus, the system updates the KEMID's corpus value accordingly.