Business Rules

      The Asset Status Code values must be A, C, S, or U.

      Retirement entries are generated on the plant fund account. The proper plant fund account number is determined by both the financial object sub-type code and the organization code of the account. Each account number is assigned to an organization, and each organization has been assigned two plant fund account numbers:

The organization plant fund account is used for movable equipment. When financial object sub-type code is:

CM - capital equipment university funded

CF - capital equipment federally funded

C1 - capital lease equipment above threshold

C2 - capital lease equipment below threshold

ES - equipment Start-up (not used)

UC - movable fabrication university funded

UF - movable fabrication federally funded

The campus plant fund account is used for non-movable equipment. When financial object sub-type code is:

AM - art & museum objects

BD - buildings

BF - buildings federally funded

BI - bond issuance

BR - building improvements and renovations university funded (not used)

BY - building improvements and renovations federally funded (not used)

CP - construction in progress (not used)

IF - infrastructure

LA - land

LE - leasehold improvements

LI - library books

LF - library books federally funded

LR - land improvements

      Payments with federally or other owned will not create asset retirement ledger entries. Ledger entries are not generated as they are designated as federally, or other owned when financial object sub-type code is:

CO - capital equipment federally, or other owned

UO - movable fabrication federally owned

BX - building improvements and renovations federally owned

      Financial object sub-type code 'CL - Capital' lease purchases is excluded from the aforementioned financial object sub-type codes because it is used to record the liability of the capital lease. The actual asset is created with the appropriate financial object sub-type code (i.e., 'CM,' 'CF,' 'CO.')

      Asset status codes become 'R' when the document is approved.

