• The user must be a KFS-SYS Asset Manager, KFS-SYS Asset Processor/Backup, or KFS Plant Fund accountant to use the Asset Acquisition Type of 'New.
• The Asset Acquisition Type 'New' allows the asset to be added to the database without creating ledger entries.
• Asset Acquisition types of C - Fabrication and P - Pre asset tagging cannot be used on the Asset Global document. P - Pre asset tagging is system assigned when the addition document is generated by CAB and the line has a Pre-Asset Tagging record.
• All other asset acquisition types may be used by all users.
• To create a capital asset, the total cost must be equal to or greater than the capitalization threshold unless the user is a KFS-SYS Asset Manager, KFS-SYS Asset Processor/Backup, or KFS-SYS Plant Fund Accountant. These users may create capital assets below the capitalization threshold. To create a non-capital asset, the total cost must be less than the capitalization threshold.
• None of the retirement asset status codes (O, R, D, E) may be used on Asset Global.
• An Asset Status Code of N - Non-Capital Active cannot use an Object Code with an Object Sub-Type of 'CM,' 'CF,' 'CO,' 'C1,' 'C2,' 'UC,' 'UF,' 'UO,' 'AM,' 'BD,' 'BF,' 'BI,' 'ES,' 'IF,' 'LA,' 'LE,' 'LI,' 'LF,' 'LR,' 'BR,' 'BY,' or 'BX.'