Business Rules

      Three conditions must be present to initiate the Equipment Loan /Return document for a loan renewal:

The asset must exist in the database, and

the tag must be attached to the equipment, and

the tag number must be entered in the Asset document.

      The expected return date cannot be more than two years from the loan date.

      The Last Inventory Date value will automatically be updated to match that of the loan date.

      The asset renew link is available in the Actions column only when the asset has previously been lent.

      Expected Return Date rules:

When issuing a document to renew a loan, the Equipment Loan/Return document requires an expected return date.

When issuing a document to renew a loan, the expected return date cannot be more than two years from the loan date.

The expected return date cannot be earlier than the loan date.

      The equipment loan return date is required when issuing an Equipment Loan Return document.

