Business Rules

      The EIRT document is visible only to users in the Accounts Payable Processor role.

      The cxml attachment is visible only to users in the Accounts Payable Processor role.

      Only users in the Accounts Payable Processor role may link to the Electronic Invoice Reject document from the EIRT search.

      The system adds the original reject reason to the Notes and Attachment tab.

      The Accept Value flag allows authorized users to approve the EIRT document with a value from the invoice file and override subsequent validation checks for that field.

      When the document is in 'ENROUTE' status, authorized users may edit the following fields in the Electronic Invoice Data section: DUNS Number, Purchase Order Number, Invoice Number, and Invoice Date. The user may also edit these fields in the Electronic Invoice Items section: Number, Quantity, Unit Price, Tax, Special Handling, Shipping, and Discount.

      The system generates a note when 'research' and 'complete research' actions are taken. 'Research' does not lock the document. Any approver may edit this document.

      The system stores the user ID of the individual who created the payment request document from the Electronic Invoice Reject document.

      No G/L entries are created for this document. These entries are posted with the payment request.

      The View Related Documents tab on the EIRT document displays the Electronic Invoice Reject documents associated with the purchase order. Other PURAP View Related Documents tabs do not show these documents.

