In Budget Construction, documents are locked by the users currently working with the document. Locks are set when a user gets edit access, either during the initial open of the document or during an account pull-up/push-down operation. Locks are released for documents in edit mode when closing a document or after pushdown to a level that puts the document in view mode. The daily BC Update job releases all existing locks nightly.
Special root approver users (users at the top level organization hierarchy) have the ability to perform the unlock action. There are four types of locks in BC.
• Account Lock: issued when a user displays a document in edit mode.
• Funding Lock: issued for accounts associated with the displayed funding lines where user has edit access, when using the BC Salary Setting by Position or BC Salary Setting by Incumbents screen.
• Position Lock: issued when a user either displays the BC Salary Setting by Position or the BC Salary Setting by Incumbent screen
• Account Transaction Lock: issued for each funding line when the user submits Salary Setting by Position/Incumbent change. This lock exists only during the time it takes to update the associated pending accounting lines contained in the BC document for the account.