The Financial Processing module allows users to create and maintain a variety of receivables-related e-docs, generate reports, and upload data in batch. Some of these functions are accessible from the Main Menu while others are accessible from the Maintenance and Administration menus. The functions are organized on the menus as follows.
• Cash receipts, disbursement vouchers, fund transfers, and other standard documents typically maintained by departmental staff are accessed via the Transactions submenu on the Main Menu tab.
• Other Financial Processing transactions are listed in the Administrative Transactions submenu on the Main Menu tab.
• Additionally, to facilitate research the Main Menu provides two searches in the Custom Document Searches submenu.
• The Lookup and Maintenance submenu on the Main Menu provides access to another financial processing e-doc—Disbursement Voucher Travel Company. Using this e-doc you may add and maintain company names for use on expense forms.
• Also on the Main Menu, the Year-End Transactions submenu provides access to year-end versions of the following financial documents:
o Distribution of Income/Expense (YEDI)
o General Error Correction (YEGEC)
This documentation
does not provide a separate section for each individual year end e-doc because
these e-docs are similar to each other and are similar to their regular e-doc
counterparts. For general information about the year-end e-docs, see Year End E-Docs. For information about business
rules for each e-doc, see the section on its regular counterpart.
• The Maintenance menu tab offers access to attribute maintenance e-docs and lookups. These functions are accessible via the Financial Processing submenu.
• Finally, the Procurement Card Upload function, the use of which is usually restricted to system administrators, is available via the Administration menu tab.