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Employee Funding Balance Inquiry Results definition




The name of the most recent employee. 'VACANT' indicates that no employee was appointed in this position as of the date the record was created.

Employee ID

The employee ID of the most recent employee. No ID is displayed if the position is vacant.

University Fiscal Year

The fiscal year in which the employee is compensated.

Chart Code


The chart code the position's funding account number belongs to.

Account Number

The account number from which the position's salary expense is paid

Sub-Account Number

The sub-account number from which the position's salary expense is paid, if any

Object Code


The object code for the account from which the employee is compensated.

Sub-Object Code


The sub-object code for the account from which the employee is compensated.

Position Number

A number that identifies the employee's position or positions for this account for this fiscal year.

CSF Delete Code

An indicator that shows whether this row is current:

- indicates that it is current

D indicates this row has been invalidated.

CSF Funding Status Code

Institution-defined. Indicates whether the CSF line has budget commitments.

exclaim    If used, the Budget Construction module must include the following statuses (required by the 'genesis' budget initiation process):
-: Active CSF line
L: On leave
V: Vacant

CSF Full Time Employment Quantity

The full time equivalency for this position

CSF Amount

The amount budgeted for the employee in this position on this accounting line for the fiscal year.

Current Amount

The actual amount expended for the employee in this position on this accounting line for the fiscal year.

Encumbrance Amount

The encumbrance amount for the employee in this position on this accounting line for the fiscal year.

Total Amount

The current amount plus the encumbrance amount.


July 1 Position Funding