Milestone Schedule Tab


Milestone Schedule tab definition





Proposal Number

Required. The Proposal that the Milestone Schedule will be associated with.  Use the lookup Description: _searchiconto find it. 

pencil-small    When KFS is not integrated with Kuali Coeus, the Proposal and Award will be the same number.


Agency Name

Display only. The name of the Agency to which the Proposal belongs.


Total Award Amount

Display only. The total dollar amount calculated from Direct Cost Amount + Indirect Cost Amount for the Award.


Total Amount Scheduled

Display Only. The calculated total of all of the active milestones listed on the Milestone tab.


Total Amount Remaining

Display only.  The calculated difference between the Total Award Amount and the Total Amount Scheduled.


Award Expiration Date

Display Only. The Award Stop Date for the Award associated with the Milestone schedule.


Milestones Tab