Kuali Financial System (KFS)

The Kuali Financial System (KFS) is a functional module (application) that interfaces with the core modules of KNS and KEW. It is also an application that itself is comprised of many modules (sometimes referred to as sub-modules). KFS includes a base system of these modules.

      Chart of Accounts: controlling tables that define financial information.

      General Ledger (GL): repository of all financial and budget information.

      Financial Transactions Processing: allows account managers and organizations to transact financial business through electronic means, rather than by using paper forms.

      Reporting/Decision Support: allows account managers and others to access financial information and provide tools to assist in the analysis of the financial information.

Additional modules may be implemented when institutions identify a need. These modules include: Accounts Receivable, Budgeting, Capital Asset Management, Endowment, Enhanced Decision Support/Reporting, Labor Distribution, Purchasing/Accounts Payable, and Post-Award (Contracts and Grants).


KFS Architecture