Document Layout

BC Intended Incumbent edit screen

The Budget Construction Intended Incumbent document includes the Edit BC Intended Incumbent tab. With the exception of the ID, Name, and Active Indicator fields, the fields on this tab are meant to help users make salary setting decisions.

The system automatically enters data into both the Old and New sections in this tab. Selected data fields are available for editing.

Edit BC Intended Incumbent tab definition




Employee ID

The employee ID.

Person Name

Required. The person's name.

Salary Set ID

The salary admin plan set identifier for the employee. This value qualifies the set of administration plans and grades. (Effectively, this is the same value used as the Position Set ID Salary for the employee's primary position.)

Salary Administration Plan

The salary administration plan code for the employee. (Effectively, this is the same value used as the Position Salary Administration Plan Default for the employee's primary position.)

Salary Grade

The salary administration grade code for the employee. KFS (Effectively, this is the same value used as the Position Salary Administration Grade Default for the employee's primary position.)

IU Classification Level

The classification level for the employee. Classification level can be used to classify an employee as defined by your institution. For example, the level may be used to indicate who is a full professor and who is an associate professor.



Process Overview