Special logic is also applied in 'Scrubber' to determine whether a continuation account should be substituted for the account on a transaction. This logic is triggered when the account on the transaction has an expiration date or is closed.
When configuring the KFS, institutions may choose to exclude transactions with certain origination codes, balance types, and document types from the Scrubber's application of the continuation account logic. For example, in most instances users want to exclude transactions generated by KFS e-docs from this process. Financial e-docs include a process that allows the document initiator to use the expired account or the account's continuation account. This option is available based on settings in two system parameters: CONTINUATION_ACCOUNT_BYPASS_DOCUMENT_TYPES and CONTINUATION_ACCOUNT_BYPASS_ORIGINATIONS.
If a transaction applies to an expired account and is not otherwise excluded, 'Scrubber' attempts to find a valid continuation account to substitute. Accounts are considered expired if their expiration date is less than or equal to the run date of 'Scrubber' batch process. The expiration date of Contracts and Grants accounts may be extended by any number of days for the purpose of determining expiration for this process with the CG_ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION_EXTENSION_DAYS parameter.
FR: The KFS makes ten
attempts at finding a valid continuation account before reporting an error.
'Valid' in this instance means that the account exists in the Account table and
is not expired or closed. If a substitution is made, the KFS adds AUTO
FR and the original account number into the transaction description for
tracking purposes.