Commodity Code Tab

The system automatically enters data into both the Old and New sections of this tab. Selected data fields are available for editing.

Commodity Code tab definition



Commodity Code

The commodity code. Commodity codes can be used to categorize purchases. KFS is not delivered with a commodity code structure, but the system is designed so that industry standards can be loaded into the table or your organization can adopt its own coding structure.

Commodity Code Description

Required. A description of the commodity code.

Sales Tax Indicator

Indicates if sales tax applies to this commodity code. Remove the check mark if sales tax does not apply.

Restricted Items Indicator

Indicates if this is a commodity code of restricted items. Remove the check mark if there are no restrictions on items associated with this commodity code.

Sensitive Data

Optional. The type of sensitive data for the commodity code. Existing sensitive data descriptions may be retrieved from the list or from the lookup searchicon.

Active Indicator


Indicates whether this commodity code is active or inactive. Remove the check mark to deactivate.



Contract Managers Tab