Collector XML Upload

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pencil-small.gif     Collector uploads are designed to accept feeds from departments billing other units at your institution. This process does some file validation and has built in email communications back to the customer using it. The collector is best used for feeding in General Ledger entries that are not coming from an enterprise-level system and may be prone to errors. Collector files can be in .xml format or loaded as flat text files. Uploaded Collector files will be processed the next time the collectorJob batch job is run.

go-arrow-red   For information about the Collector Flat File Upload, see Collector Flat File Upload.

go-arrow-red   For information on procedures that apply to all KFS batch uploads on the Administration menu, see Batch Upload Basics.

When you select the Collector XML Upload option from the Administration menu tab, the system displays the GL Collector (XML format) Batch Upload document. This document allows you to upload XML input files input into the General Ledger. This upload page functions exactly the same as the Collector Flat File Upload.


Collector XML Upload Format