Business Rules


The trade-in allowances are applied only to line items whose Assigned to Trade In indicator is set to 'Y'.

Trade-in allowances must be allocated before combining line items that have a trade-in indicator with those that do not. A system edit stops the user if an attempt is made to combine line items before the trade-in allowance is allocated.

If the payment request does not have a trade-in allowance and does have a line item with the trade-in indicator checked, an edit presents a warning asking if the user wants to combine items that do/don't have a trade-in indicator. This warning is presented because the trade-in allowance may have already been processed on another invoice. The warning prompts the user to verify whether he or she is waiting for a trade-in allowance before creating/modifying an existing asset.

Line items that have a trade-in indicator set to 'N' can be processed before the trade-in allowance is allocated.


If a trade-in allowance exists on the purchase order, 'merge all' cannot be used until the trade-in allowance is allocated separately.

A purchase order with lines that have a trade-in indicator checked may be invoiced without a trade-in allowance. When a payment request does not have a trade-in allowance, the CAB processor is allowed to merge a line with a trade-in indicator. The user is presented with a warning asking whether he or she wants to continue.

If no pre-asset tagging data exists, line items can be merged.

If one line item is pre-asset tagged, merge all is allowed. However, the pre-asset tagging information overrides the PO information and is assigned to the target line.

If more than one line is pre-asset tagged, line items cannot be merged.

When merging line items, the Selected box must be checked for the line items that are to be combined.

When merging line items, a quantity is required in the How many assets field.

When merging line items, a system description is required.

The target line for the merge is the first selected line item.


The split quantity must be less than the quantity invoiced. The system allows users to split a fractional quantity.

      Percent Payment:

Percent payment is displayed on the line item only if this line item has a fractional quantity.

      Create Asset:

If Pre-asset tagging information exists, the acquisition type code is set to 'P'. If Pre-asset tagging information does not exist, the acquisition type code is set to 'N'.

If the line item has been pre-asset tagged, the asset type code is populated from the Pre-Asset Tagging table. If no pre-asset tagging information exists and the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Capital Asset System Type is 'Individual' or 'One System,' the asset type is populated from the capital asset information collected in the Purchasing and Accounts Payable module. Pre-asset tagging information takes precedence over Purchasing and Accounts Payable asset information. The asset type code is editable and is required and validated.

When creating an asset, the system assigns the next asset number available. An asset number is required, and the numeric format is validated. For assets created from CAB, the asset number is assigned when the Global Asset (Add) document is opened.

The vendor is assigned from the purchase order vendor.

The total cost is system-assigned and view-only.

      Payment edit:

The system compares the object codes on the payments that have already been applied to the asset to those on the payment being saved. If the object codes are not in the same asset category, the system generates a warning message.

      Lock (prevents other actions from taking place until the payment is posted):

An active valid asset number in CAB is locked until the line item is processed. Consequently, a transfer, retirement, merge, add payment, or separate transaction cannot be processed against the asset by the user until the line item has been fully processed in CAB. A document is considered fully processed when the Add Payment or Asset Global (Add) document has a status of 'processed' or 'final'.

Merging a line item with an asset number unlocks the asset.

Creating an asset for a line item with an asset number unlocks the asset.

      Credit memo for a payment request:

When a credit memo is for a given payment request number, the credit memo number and the payment request number are displayed in the PREQ field.

      Apply payment:

When the CAM transaction type is 'modify existing' or 'fabrication', the asset(s) number will be provided on the requisition or purchase order. If asset numbers exist they will be loaded into CAB and displayed on the processing screen.

If an asset number is on the processing screen when the user adds a payment, KFS opens the Asset Payment document populated with information from the existing asset. In this case, the user is simply adding a payment record to the asset. This function brings the payment amount over from the financial record.

      Nightly batch processes that prepare transactions for the Capital Asset Builder processes:

'Nightly out' collects the documents.

'Scrubber' creates the plant fund entries.

'Poster' moves the pending entries, including plant fund, to posted entries.

'Clear pending entries' clears them from the various e-docs.

'CAB extract' creates the entries for CAB.


Workflow and Routing